Setp 1) First Download CactiEZ via torrents:
It is IOS based and this NMS included with Linux Operating system:
Another Download Link:
Sept 2) Extract and Burn the CD Image
Setp3) Configure a Cisco Router for SNMP
There's more to the process, such as security concerns, but this will get you access to the router's SNMP information.
1. Login to the router and enter the global configuration mode
cisco# conf t
cisco# conf t
2. Configure the SNMP community string
cisco(config)# snmp-server community CactiMonitoring ro
3. Save your router configuration
cisco# copy running-config startup-config
cisco(config)# snmp-server community CactiMonitoring ro
3. Save your router configuration
cisco# copy running-config startup-config
4. Document the community string, an option is to use KeePass to securely document passwords and such.
Login Information
Some useful info you will need. You can also see this information by pressing F6 at the CD Installation prompt.
To login to cacti (it prompts to change this)
user: admin
pass: admin
pass: admin
Get to webmin at (requires the root user / pass)
To configure nagios
user: nagiosadmin
pass: CactiEZ
pass: CactiEZ