* DUDE Installation:
* First adjust Router OS version with Dude-Server version
* for example, if RouterOS version 6.40.8 and download Dude-server with 6.40.8 version
also check router specifications like ... ( mipsle, mipsbe, ppc, x86, mmips, arm )
* Put packages to files and reboot
* /dude set enabled=(yes/no)
* /dude print
enabled: yes
data-directory: dude
status: running
* by default all The Dude data is stored on system disk, if you wish to change it's location the use this command:
* /dude set data-directory=(new_db_path)
* dwonlaod dude client for windows to access/monitor/manage from windows
* connect dude server from windows dude client and configure as your requirement
** Backup
/dude export-db backup-file=dude-backup-18-7-2018
** Restore
/dude import-db backup-file=dude-backup-18-7-2018