Juniper Interface SFP details::
IF we want to SFP information for ge-1/1/9.
then fpc-slot is 1 and pic slot is 1. Then we can find the port number 9.
# run show chassis pic fpc-slot 1 pic-slot 1
** Check Link Laser and arp
# show interfaces diagnostics optics ge-1/0/8
# show arp interface ge-1/0/8
We can monitor specific interface total traffic or different filtered ways
** Monitor interface total traffic
root# run monitor interface ge-1/0/1
** Monitor a specific Host:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "host" no-resolve
** Monitor a specific Protocol:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching arp
** Monitor a specificPort:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "port 25"
** Monitor a specific IP address:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "host" no-resolve detail
** Monitor A network:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "net" no-resolve detail
** Monitor TCP port 179:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "tcp port 179"
** Monitor UDP port 646:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "udp port 646"
** Increase the size of capture:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching arp size 1500
Save the capture to a file:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching arp write-file capture.pcap <<<<< write-file is a hidden command so type it out
** Monitor Matching "not tcp port 3128” and matching tcp port 23
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "not tcp port 3128 and tcp port 23"
** Monitor A more complicated combination but might be useful in some cases:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "arp or (icmp and host"