
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Juniper interface / traffic Monitoring and SFP details

Juniper Interface SFP details::
IF we want to SFP information for ge-1/1/9.

then fpc-slot is 1 and pic slot is 1. Then we can find the port number 9.

# run show chassis pic fpc-slot 1 pic-slot 1

** Check Link Laser and arp
#  show interfaces diagnostics optics ge-1/0/8
# show arp interface ge-1/0/8    


We can monitor specific interface total traffic or different filtered ways

** Monitor interface total traffic
root# run monitor interface ge-1/0/1

** Monitor a specific Host:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "host" no-resolve

** Monitor a specific Protocol:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching arp

** Monitor a specificPort:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "port 25"

** Monitor a specific IP address:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "host" no-resolve detail

** Monitor A network:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "net" no-resolve detail

** Monitor TCP port 179:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "tcp port 179"

** Monitor UDP port 646:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "udp port 646"

** Increase the size of capture:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching arp size 1500

Save the capture to a file:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching arp write-file capture.pcap <<<<< write-file is a hidden command so type it out

** Monitor Matching "not tcp port 3128” and matching tcp port 23
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "not tcp port 3128 and tcp port 23"

** Monitor A more complicated combination but might be useful in some cases:
root# run monitor traffic interface ge-0/0/x matching "arp or (icmp and host"


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

FTTH PhyHome OLT PON bandwidth check

We can check specific PON bandwidth from NMS and also from PON-VLAN Graph

Goto NMS:

Right click to device -> View RealTime Performace ->
Select required Slot/PON -> Choose Performace Parameter -> Up Speed -> Down Speed -> Add

* If we assign separate VLAN for a specific PON from MikroTik(any L3 device), then we can see PON bandwidth usage from VLAN Mrtg graph.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

PhyHome OLT ONU Laser Check and ONU Bandwidth Configuration

PhyHome-OLT ONU Laser check and Reboot::
* Login to NMS
Right Click to Device -> Configure -> Optical Detect Switch -> Select Desired SLOT, PON and ONU -> Refresh -> Enable/Disable -> Save
Right Click to Device -> State Callbacks-> Slot Optical Module -> Click desired SLOT/PON/ONU

PhyHome ONU MAC Authorization and save configuration::
* Login to NMS
Right click to Device -> Click Device Details ->
Choose desired Slot and PON -> click "Unauthorized ONU List" -> refresh -> Select ONU MAC ->
Click "Batch Authorize" -> Save

PhyHome ONU Bandwidth Configuration::
First See ONU Selial Number : Click (DeviceTree) OLT (maximize Tree ) Click 01 for PON-1 and
Collect serial Number based on ONU Mac Address.
Right Click to Device -> Configure -> OoS Management -> ONU Bandwidth -> Click Required PON ->
-> Select ONU as Serial Number -> Click Upstream Bandwidth (10240 for 10Mb)
-> Click Downstram Bandwidth (20480 for 20Mb) -> Save

FTTH BDCOM OLT Laser Check and New ONU Client Configure

BDCOM-OLT ONU Laser check and Reboot::
New_OLT# show epon active-onu
EPON0/2:45 2057.af00.97b3 registered
New_OLT# show epon optical-transceiver-diagnosis | include EPON0/2:45
epon0/2:45   -19.4
New_OLT# epon reboot onu interface EPON0/2:45
Are you sure to reboot the ONU(y/n)?

New Client allow(activate) from Command prompt by BDCOM OLT:
If we want to add a client under PON2 with ONU MAC  ab:cd:f7:18:12:34 with our predefined valn 20 using last serial number 5 and assigned

10Mb bandwidth to ONU

FTTH_config#interface EPON 0/2
epon bind-onu mac abcd.f718.1234 5
FTTH_MIRPUR_config#interface ePON 0/2:5
  epon onu port 1 ctc vlan mode tag 21
  epon onu port 2 ctc vlan mode tag 21
  epon onu port 3 ctc vlan mode tag 21
  epon onu port 4 ctc vlan mode tag 21
  epon onu port 1 ctc rate-limit 10240 ingress
  epon onu port 1 ctc rate-limit 10240 egress
  epon onu port 2 ctc rate-limit 10240 ingress
  epon onu port 2 ctc rate-limit 10240 egress
  epon onu port 3 ctc rate-limit 10240 ingress
  epon onu port 3 ctc rate-limit 10240 egress


FTTH BDCOM OLT Backup Restore from FTP server

FTTH#copy startup-config ftp:BDCOM-OLT-Backup-Today
ftp user name[anonymous]?ftpusername
ftp user password[anonymous]?ftppassword
Remote-server ip address[]?
FTP:successfully send 80 blocks, total size=40757

FTTH#copy ftp startup-config
ftp user name[anonymous]?ftpusername
ftp user password[anonymous]?ftppassword
Source file name[]?BDCOM-OLT-Latest-Backup-File
startup-config has existed, do you want to cover it(y/n)?y

Monday, July 10, 2017

Phyhome OLT backup and restore from FTP server

---Phyhome OLT BACKUP to FTP server---
> en
Password: ********
# system
system# maintenance
maintenance# configure
maintenance\configure# upload running_config 192.168.100.ftpserverip ftpusername ftppassword uttara-running-backup-10-July-2017

upload running_config khan khan123321 sec-11-pop-olt-config-10-july-2017
upload flash_image khan khan123321 sec-11-flash-image-backup

---Restore Phyhome OLT from FTP server----
Need to configure minimum with IP and Also need to connect with NMS

and then following bellow steps we can restore from FTP server.
Goto NMS ==> Right Click to device ==>> maintainence management->import Config
Give FTP server IP -> Give FTP username -> Give FTP password -> Give File name

Save and Restart Device to get new configuration
Device -> Maintenance Management -> Restart ->

If you want to back Default configuration. or  You want to delete all configuration you created.

# erase                                                                                                                            
  startup-config  Erase all startup configuration information from flash.