Way-1: mail directly to "check-auth@verifier.port25.com"
wait you will got response.................email from this
Way-2: Goto http://www.isnotspam.com/
you will got an Email Address like ins-lc0klxp0@isnotspam.com
Each time you will got a new Email address
Copy this email address and send an email(from the sender email you need to test) to this email address.
And finally click to this web sites button "VIEW YOUR REPORT"
You will got reports like bellow...............
Summary of Results
SPF Check : pass
Sender-ID Check : pass
DomainKeys Check : neutral
DKIM Check : pass
SpamAssassin Check : ham (non-spam)
SPF check details:
Sender-ID check details:
DomainKeys check details:
DKIM check details:
SpamAssassin check details:
DKIM spf Check:: https://www.mail-tester.com/spf-dkim-check