PhyHome OLT Configure
default username and password: admin admin
# display running-configuration
# hostname New-OLT
** Goto System Mode
# system
** Goto System Configure Mode
system# configure
** Enable Uplink Ports**********
system\configure# uplink on 6:1
system\configure# uplink on 6:2
system\configure# uplink on 6:3
system\configure# uplink on 6:4
*** Set Uplink Mode to fiber or SFP/Optical etc...
**sgmii-coper port
system\configure# uplink mode sgmii 6:1 //set uplink port-2 for SGMI/coper/Electrical SFP
system\configure# uplink mode fiber 6:2 //set uplink port-2 for fiber
system\configure# uplink mode sgmii 6:3 //Set uplink port-3 for coper
*** check uplink configuration: system# display uplink configuration all
*** Enable PON port*********
system\configure# pon on 1 1 //enable pon-1 for slot-1
system\configure# pon on 1 2 // slot-1 pon-2 enable
system\configure# pon on 1 3 // slot-1 pon3 enable
system\configure# pon on 1 4 // slot-1 pon4 enable
***** Configur VLAN and Tag to Uplink ***********
system\configure# exit
system# exit
// Configure maintenance VLAN and management IP // L2 VLAN Tag
system# exit
# maintenance
maintenance# config
maintenance\configure# manage vlan 24 6:1 tagged
//management uplink port 6:1 set for vlan-id 24 and set management IP with gateway 192168.10.1
maintenance\configure# manage ip
maintenance\configure# manage ip
//Must need to create a VLAN at device to untag this
##******* OLT Username Password Set /Reset / New User create *********
# maintenance
maintenance# configure
maintenance\configure# user add tayab tayab123
Successfully added user tayab as a NORMAL_USER ,
//To change user role use "user role" command .
maintenance\configure# user role admin tayab enablepassword
Successfully change user tayab to ADMIN mode.
** Change Admin default password
maintenance\configure# user login-password admin
Input new login password for user admin please.
New Password:********
Confirm Password:********
Successfully changed password!.
** Delete vlan if any error
maintenance\configure# manage vlan delete
*** SNMP and Time settings ********
# maintenance
maintenance# con
maintenance# configure
maintenance\configure# snmp community rw tayabrw
maintenance\configure# snmp community ro tayabro
NMS Server login from NMS client:
user: root
Pass: root
ServerIP: port 5188 fixed
'= Right click and Add device => Give IP -> Give snmp ro and Give snmp rw and connect
//L3 VLAN Tag// create a vlnan 22 name is OptimaxWAN and tagged/joined to the uplink port 6:1;
vlan# vlan-database data OptimaxWAN 22 6:1 tagged
*** IF we want Configure the ONT "auth" mode to "auto-auth" mode
// ONT will be register to the OLT automatically
system# ont
ont# configure
ont\configure# auth-mode no-auth 1 //config the auth mode to no-auth mode for slot-1
ont\configure# auth-mode no-auth 2
ont\configure# auth-mode no-auth 3
ont\configure# auto-auth enable 1 // enable the ont auto-auth for slot-1
ont\configure# auto-auth enable 2
ont\configure# auto-auth enable 3
ont# display ont-auth-info slotno 1 // See ont-info
***/// Configure Internet services for the ONT
** Troubleshoot /ping
> ping
Reply from : bytes=56: icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time<10 ms
Reply from : bytes=56: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time<10 ms
> display uplink configuration all
port-idx port-state link-state auto-neg speed duplex learning flow-control pvid prien privalue port-mode
6:1 enabled up on 1000M full enabled Off 4088 off 0 sgmii
6:2 disabled down on 1000M full enabled Off 4088 off 0 fiber
6:3 enabled down on 1000M full enabled Off 4088 off 0 sgmii
6:4 enabled down on 1000M full enabled Off 4088 off 0 sgmii
6:5 enabled down on 1000M full enabled Off 4088 off 0 optical