We can use PCQ for Multiple queue but another method we can use to add multiple queues with a single command.
Goto-->> "New Terminal"
for i from=2 to=254 do=[queue simple add name="$i" target="192.168.1.$i" max-limit=512K/512K]
*** Here 253 queues will be create with IP address: to with 512K bandwith.
*** If you wants to set /24 series of IP address on one interface ether5, then
for i from=2 to=254 do={ip address add address="172.16.1.$i/24" network="" interface=ether5}
*** For Older version of mikroTik use bellow scripts
:for e from 2 to 254 do={/ip address add address=("172.16.1." . $e . "/24") network=("") interface=ether5}
####################### Enjoy ####################